About us
We are just people, broken and in need of a physician, a healer, a strengthener, a savior. We find that in God and strive to walk with Him daily in our Journey. What we pray for is that we each one have a closer relationship with Our Lord. We strive to praise God, to bring Him joy in who we are through Him. Do you know God? Do you really KNOW Jesus? Have you let him love you the way He desires? Come bless us by letting God pour His Love out upon you through us!! We are a group of real people on a Journey Together....Our Journey....jOURney Together.

Danny & Christy Barker
Our Senior Pastor and First Lady, Danny is a bivocational pastor; an electrician by trade, who through God manages to find time to be a Father, Husband, and Leader. Along with their kids, being the church is a family event for this group.
David & Hallie Finkbeiner
Our Youth Leaders; David is on our leadership team as well as being a team with his wife Hallie as two of our youth leaders. Both still kids at heart they lead our youth through the difficult time of teenage trials and troubles. Both come from ministry backgrounds and are excited to share God with others.

Dusty & Callie Brand
Our Music Minister, Dusty and wife, Callie make a team that prepares the worship for our Lord. Dusty, as well as a Leadership Team member also teaches music in our Journey Worship Academy. Callie uses her talents in photography and stage design. Together with their family they help complete ours.
Floyd & Sandy Blakeney
Floyd is also a member of our Leadership Team as well as assistant adult Sunday School Teacher, he and his wife, Sandy make the team that is over our "Young Seniors" ministry; they prove you're never too old to have fun and serve God.

Derik & Christie Boyette
Derek, as well as being on the leadership team of our church, serves as our leader of Journey Through Recovery Program. He leads us through the DOORS program as Senior Counselor. He brings his wife, Christie, and joins their family with ours to celebrate the joy of the Lord.
Nathan & Shannon Brand
Nathan, as well as being part of our leadership team, is head of our security team at church. The team is trained in crisis intervention, emergency first aid, and is composed of highly trained personnel. Nathan and Shannon bring their whole family and skills to God's sevice in our church family.

Bubba & Tonya Hataway
Bubba serves on our leadership and Dooley's team and his wife, Tonya. We are always searching for new ways to serve our community through Christ. They bring their entire family into ours as we serve together.
Jason & Sheila Crow
Jason serves as a leader on our leadership team, his wife, Sheila, is on the Women's Ministry and Dooley's Christmas committee. Together they work as groundskeepers for our church, involving their whole family as we join together in Christ.

Kevin & Amy Chambers
Kevin and Amy have blessed our church with their family, Kevin serves on the leadership team while their kids, Macey & Sydney serve on our worship team. Kevin serves the community and our church as part of our security team and Amy serves in audio/visual. Sydney, their daughter, has recently stepped into the role of Children's Church coordinator.
Aaron & Bonnie Anderson
Aaron is one of our youth leaders, recently ordained into ministry here at jOURney, serves on the leadership team, and is part of our security team. His wife, Bonnie, is our nursery coordinator. They bring their family devoted in time and love to helping us perform Christ's ministry in our community.